Friday, January 18, 2008


From time-to-time an opinionated view from the trenches of motorsports.
In the coming weeks this will be a place to read independent commentary.
Thanks for reading.
Lewis Franck


Anonymous said...

Hi Lewis:

Didn't you have a monthly column called "Behind the Wheel" that ran a few years ago in Inside Sport magazine?

I loved your column ecause it was so informative, so well written and sprinkled with so many inside tidbits about drivers and their cars.

You really know your craft and it was very apparent thet the drivers and owners knew and respected you.

Keep up the good work, a big fan of yours.

Scootch Martin

Racingjourno said...

Thanks for the kind words. Yes, it was me.

I appreciated your thoughts and hope, soon to provide very special insight into
auto racing.

If you subscribe with the button shown on the site you'll get the latest posts.

Anonymous said...
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